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VisioMove - Place name and icon behavior


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VisioMove - Place name and icon behavior

In VisioMove v2.1.0, some improvements have been made to the way a place's label and/or icon is displayed within the map. This article explains the handling of place name and icon.


To provide the end user with the best experience possible when viewing a Visioglobe map, we've re-thought the behavior of how the place name and icon are displayed.

Size Policy

In VisioMove v2.1.0, we've introduced a size policy, allowing us to chose between two behaviors:

  • Fit Rectangle - The size of the marker is constrained to fit within a boundary. The boundary is determined by the place's label within VisioMapEditor. This is the default behavior when setting place name or icon.
  • Constant Scale - The size of the marker is controlled by it's scale attribute

Place names


The place name orientation is fixed except when the camera "switches" sides, at which point the orientation changes 180 degrees. This ensures the name can be read from left to right.


Fit Rectangle

In the case of the "Fit Rectangle" the scale of the font will be dynamically adjusted as a function of the place name's length. The longer the place name, the smaller the font will appear. The font size is calculated so that the place name fits exactly within it's boundary. This has the following implications:

  • place name font size varies throughout the map as a function of the name's length and the boundary
  • place name font sizes are now bigger than before, making them easier to read when viewing the map
  • more predictable results when comparing the label visible within VisioMapEditor and when viewing the map.
VisioMove v2.1.0

Place icons


The icon will always appear facing the camera. Upon setting the place icon, the place name will be set to empty. If you want to two to appear together, it's necessary to set the place icon first.


Fit Rectangle

In the case of the "Fit Rectangle", the size of the icon will be adjusted so that the icons fits within the boundary. The icons size is fixed no matter what the zoom level of the camera.
VisioMove v2.1.0 (near)
VisioMove v2.1.0 (far)
VisioMove v2.1.0 (near)
VisioMove v2.1.0 (far)

Place names and Icons

Support has been added for displaying both place names and icons at the same time.


In this case, the orientation of the name and icon will be always camera facing.