Employee stories

Meet the team - Elodie

Today, we sat down with Elodie, graphic designer at Visioglobe to discuss her job.

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Meet the team - Elodie

Today, we sat down with Elodie, graphic designer at Visioglobe to discuss her job.

First, let's talk a bit about your role as a graphic designer at Visioglobe. What do you do?

I'm a 2D/3D graphic designer. I mainly draw maps using VisioMapEditor, but I also create 3D models, animations, and renderings. I've also had the opportunity to train new designers in map or 3D model creation and attend workshops to learn new skills or software (like Blender, for example).

How is the working environment among team members on projects?

It's really nice, fluid, and supportive. Everyone is always available to answer questions, and there's no stress. Even if a project takes longer than expected, we do our best to adapt and readjust the timeline. I also appreciate the exchange and sharing of skills among team members. We help each other out.

Let's talk about a project that made you proud and that you enjoyed working on.

I realize there have been many projects I've enjoyed working on. However, I can mention a 3D map where we were asked to use a cartoon style for the buildings. It was the only time we experimented with this style, and it was great to play with dimensions and create elements that aren't typically seen. We even tested the software's performance by incorporating shadow and color effects. I also love creating themed maps like seasons and holidays (Christmas, Easter, etc.) where creativity is more engaged, both in 2D and 3D.

Can you provide an example of a complex project you managed and how you overcame obstacles?

I think one of the most challenging aspects of a graphic designer's tasks is estimating the time required for a large project. We try to add some buffer time because there will always be things to modify. However, since we can't accurately predict the creation time, there are instances when a project may not be completed on time. That's when stress comes into play. I think of some hospitals with a lot of elements and complex building structures.

However, by communicating these concerns as soon as possible, the team can adapt and find solutions. So, everything turns out fine.

What do you like most about Visioglobe?

In the context of my work, it's the diversity of tasks and the ability to have varied experiences. Previously, I wanted to work in big 3D productions like Disney or Pixar. While their renderings are magnificent, I would have struggled to work on a single element for an extended period. Additionally, I enjoy the atmosphere, the supportiveness, the team cohesion, and the feeling of comfort. Despite the traffic, I still look forward to going to work. 

And now, one last VERY serious question: If you were a map, what kind of map would you be?

Haha, interesting! Well, I would say a simple small map like VisioIsland, showing all types of buildings nearby. Alternatively, it could be a highly complicated map with many elements and 3D models (there are always too many things to think about simultaneously in my head, :)).